Advent - Week 2

Posted by: WCSG | Sunday, December 10th, 2023 (12:00am)

Preparing for the Redeemer  

Verse: “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us.” Ephesians 1:7  

This advent season, take some time to mediate on the hope and grace we have in Christ as our Redeemer. In a world that is filled with darkness, we anticipate the merry and glorious day when Christ was born and his work as our Redeemer began. As we prepare for the coming Messiah, no matter what we faced yesterday, today or tomorrow, we have a hope in Christ that is unshakable. How great is this?  

In the coming days, we can share this gift of hope and grace we have in Christ with neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family by being a bright light. What would your neighborhoods, workplaces, or homes look like if you took the time to share the richness of Christ’s love and his redemption in your life with others? Whether that’s through baking cookies for your neighbors, finishing up end of year projects at work with excellence for the glory of God, or taking some extra time to read the Christmas story with your kids before bed. Whatever this looks like for you in your season of life, we encourage you to recognize this gift of love and share it!  

Challenge: Jesus sacrificed everything. He became man and humbly came to this world to redeem you, to forgive you, to gift you a rich grace and love.  

1- What does it look like to be a light in the world; to reveal God’s redemption for others to see this Christmas season?  

2- How can you share God’s rich love with others this week?


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