The 12 Days of Christmas Teaches You About the Bible
Posted by: Jeremy & Amanda | Friday, December 10th, 2021 ( 8:58am)
We all know the 12 Days of Christmas! Whether it's the annual cost of it, a rendition from Alvin & the Chipmunks, or only remembering the "5 Golden Rings" part, it's possible it was actually a secret tool to teach/learn about the Bible! The secret code suggests that each item in the 12 Days Of Christmas song was a metaphor for a bible story. First day: On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree," symbolizes God (true love) and Jesus Christ (the partridge). Second day: Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments. Third day: Three French hens represented the three gifts of faith, hope and love. Fourth day: Calling birds were the four gospels. Fifth day: Five golden rings were the Books of Moses. Sixth day: Geese a-laying stands for the six days of creation. Seventh day: Swans a-swimming were the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Eighth day: Maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes. Ninth day: Ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit such as charity, peace and kindness. Tenth day: Lords a-leaping represent the 10 Commandments. Eleventh day: Pipers piping were the 11 apostles. Twelfth day: Twelve drummers drumming represented the points of the Apostles Creed.
Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.
JOHN 14:21 | NIVGrand Rapids / Lakeshore
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