Be Filled by God

Posted by: Megan Sweitzer, Social Media and Podcast Assistant | Monday, November 18th, 2024 ( 8:30am)

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. — Psalm 107:8-9

“Mom, I’m hungry!” How many of you hear this 27 times a day? Ok maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it feels like that sometimes. Even as adults, we can find ourselves exclaiming that we need a sweet treat as a reward after a long day or a coffee break during our workday. Every day our bodies long for nourishment. Our bodies are designed to hunger for some protein, hopefully some fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamins and minerals for fuel. When we are hungry, our stomach growls and we experience the physical hunger pain, serving as a reminder that we need to sustain ourselves.  

Each day we are tasked with caring for our physical bodies, but what about our spiritual bodies? Do we hunger for the Lord in the same way a child longs for food? Do we long for Jesus Christ to nourish us and fuel us for the day ahead?  

We serve a God who satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. A translation of Psalm 107:8-9 says, “He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things” (ESV). Doesn’t that sound refreshing? To be completely filled from the Lord. It’s in our nature to hunger and long for things. We hunger for physical food as previously mentioned, but what about longing for attention? Love? Security? Comfort? The list could go on! We are beings that have longing hearts. We desire to be filled up and full of good things.  

At the beginning of this verse, we see the phrase, “give thanks to the Lord.” If you look at Psalm 107, you will see that the phrase “give thanks to the Lord” is repeated five times in the chapter. WOW, five times! This must be important! Why? Because we have the opportunity to give thanks and praise the Lord for who He is and what He does for us! Our God provides unfailing love, His works are wonderful, and He is the only one that can and will satisfies our desires. He is worthy of praise because we can find all that we need in Him: love, security, comfort. We can be filled up and refreshed by Him daily. I want that. I need that.  

Just like a child running to his mother for food, just like I turn to Starbucks for my afternoon pick me up, we can look to our Heavenly Father and find all that we need in Him, to be refreshed and fueled in His presence.  

I hope that you leave this and reflect on how the Lord gives you the strength for each day, that He satisfies the deepest longings in your heart and loves you. For further encouragement, here are some songs from some of our WCSG artists who really get this. The next time you hear them playing, I hope you take an extra moment to really listen. They will provide some of that spiritual fuel you need to get through the day. 

  • “God So Loved” by We the Kingdom  

  • “No One Loves Me Like You Do” by Dan Bremnes  

  • “All My Hope” by Crowder  

  • “Don’t Stop Praying” by Matthew West  

  • “Praise God For That” by Jordan Feliz  

  • “That’s Who I Praise” by Brandon Lake 

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