Experiencing God...Together

Posted by: Megan Sweitzer, Social Media and Podcast Assistant | Monday, February 10th, 2025 ( 8:12am)
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity. — Psalm 133:1 Recently, my husband and I gathered with our small group for a routine evening of sharing highs and lows, chatting about life, and discussing the sermon from Sunday church. Nothing out of the ordinary for our Thursday nights together. We laughed and ate way too many chocolate chip cookies, but during this regular rhythm, I was struck by the simplicity of a moment with friends. At the end of every small group, we spend some time in prayer. This particular week, we gathered around a couple expecting a baby and took turns praying over their birth, their parenting, and this new journey they were about to begin. I’ve been reflecting on this moment since then, and I think it’s because God is teaching me this simple truth from Psalm 133:1: “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.” As routine as this moment was, it gave me a glimpse to taste and see that the Lord is good. It reminded me not only of the power of prayer, but of the importance of gathering with a community of believers to lift each other up and encourage one another. It was and is a gift to be able to sit at the Lord’s feet and to experience a community that is willing to simply just do life together. Some of us are having kids, some of us love our jobs, some of us are feeling the stress and burden of work, some of us are grieving the loss of family members; we all are going through different life experiences, yet we sit together week after week and have the opportunity to point each other to the goodness of God. How special is that? That’s the body of Christ. But the reality is that relationships like this are hard, and it takes time and intention to surround yourself with people that love Jesus. Friendships can be messy, and being open to doing the heavy parts of life together can be difficult sometimes. But we can look to the Lord and follow his example for how to navigate this friendship thing. There is so much goodness and beauty in being in community with other believers, and at the same time it can be challenging. There is something refreshing, renewing, and sanctifying about it. I think this is because it reflects God’s heart. He himself is a relational God! Look at Jesus and his disciples. Jesus picked 12 disciples to do ministry with, to say follow after me, do life with me, walk with me. And they did! They not only did the best parts of ministry with Jesus, like seeing miracles and sharing meals, but at the same time they experienced the hard reality of sacrifice, loss, challenges, and temptations time and time again. Yet, they always knew they had each other. Now maybe you don’t have 12 friends, maybe it is just one other homeschool mom, that family you carpool with, or a group of neighborhood friends. Whoever it is, look for the people doing life right alongside you and invite them in to experience this refreshing and renewing goodness of God. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Maybe it looks like praying over each other weekly, sharing meals once a month, or even folding laundry on a Sunday afternoon. Whatever it is, when you do it with others you will experience the goodness and pleasantness of God’s people gathered in one place, just like Psalm 133:1 says. What an incredible gift we can give to one another simply by doing life together. Want to read more posts like this? Subscribe to the Good News blog to receive a weekly dose of encouragement from our team.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
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