Life is a Trust Fall with God Waiting to Catch You

Posted by: Jenny Baker | Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 (12:00am)

Trust God. I have a sign in my office with these two words placed where I can see them every day. Because if there is a mantra I need to keep at the forefront of my mind, it is this one.

See I view the world with a bit of a “positivity deficiency” (that’s a nice way of saying I’m a Negative Nelly). While I wish I didn’t, borrowing the words from our self-described talkaholic marketing director, “that’s how God made me” (check out her post about this here). In times like right now I find myself looking at the future with hopelessness and discouragement. So much division. Anger directed at each other. Rebellion and hostility toward God. And it feels like there’s no end in sight.

“Why is this happening God?!” I lament. “Why here? Why now? Why me?”

But then I sit at my desk and the answer is right there on the wall.

Trust God.

While it’s easy to slide into moments of despair about the world around us, there is something we must always remember; God is sovereign. He is always in control. Nothing happens outside of His will. In fact, everything that has happened in the past, is happening now, or will happen in the future is part of God’s plan. A plan that will ultimately point to and reveal His goodness, glory, and love for all of us. How God carries out His plan isn’t always what we might want or prefer. It might even feel downright awful. Just look at the Israelites and the years of hardship they faced as they made their way to the Promised Land. Joseph probably would have preferred a smoother route leading to his leadership over Egypt. And Job…well if you don’t know, check out his story.

In other words, God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). His plans are not our plans, and His paths are not our paths. In those moments when we want to shake our fist at the Heavens and question God’s intentions remember this: Even God carried out a plan that put Himself through an incredible amount of pain and suffering before His amazing grace and forgiveness could be obtained by the rest of us.

So yes. Trust God. No matter how dire life may seem, He has not and will never abandon us. In fact, He’s crafting something greater than we can ever imagine. In his song, “These Days” Christian artist Jeremy Camp says it best:

What if the beauty isn't crushed?
It just needs the hope that's inside of us
What if it's more than a destiny?
What if we're part of a masterpiece?

A masterpiece indeed. Never stop trusting God. He’s got you.

Check out Jeremy’s song here.


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