Look to God in Times of Trouble

Posted by: Tom Neering from Middays | Monday, March 17th, 2025 (12:00am)

Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. — Psalm 146:5 

We don't always feel good as Christians. Just because we have faith, we can still struggle with hopelessness when facing life’s challenges. It's just how it is in the world today. Problems can mount up and make us feel like our lives are somehow not on the right track. Yet, when we come across situations that baffle or concern us, these moments can serve as invitations to drive us to the cross and to God's good Spirit.

I have a dear friend who often struggles with a thought, a lie, that the enemy has used to deceive her. It's an issue many Christians believe or have believed; that somehow they have sinned too much or gone too far in something that God's grace is not enough to cover it. I have gone to God many times for her and shared with her many times His love for her, but again and again, she finds herself falling into that pit of despair.   

It's through much prayer and speaking to this dear friend that I realized over time and circumstance, the pains of life and the hurts of trauma have added up in her heart and somehow compiled into a thought that God doesn't really love her enough, or that she somehow does not have what it takes to be worthy of that love. The funny thing is, she is one of the sweetest, most gracious people I know. She loves the Lord, cares for His people, and would do just about anything for someone in trouble. It seems sometimes, the kindest people suffer the most. It's been tough for her, and it’s difficult to see her struggle through trials of many kinds, especially when it's obvious to others that the root of these troubles are mostly outside of her. However, one thread that has helped on many occasions is that, despite wrestling with these feelings of sorrow, she trusts that the Lord is with her always, placing people in her life that will help during times of trouble. This has gotten her through the toughest of times.   

If you are troubled today, go to God in prayer. Listen for His voice. Look for the people He is working through to help you through this moment. The world’s problems are not yours. We sometimes take them on alone, and often blame ourselves for the issues we see all around us, even if we are not necessarily the cause. Trauma has a way of sometimes blinding us to the hope and the help that God sets before us. But God is ever with us in times of trouble, and He is able to work through pains and circumstances to reach us where we are. God looks at the heart without harsh judgment, and although we sometimes have trouble navigating the deep waters of suffering, He is there with us in it, helping us through it. So, go to God today in prayer and ask Him to be with you in all things. He will comfort you and shine His light into your heart so that you will be sustained. He is with us even in our darkest hours. He is our very comfort and our hope. And He will provide who and what we need to help us through it.  

Note from WCSG: Mental health touches all of us, and we wanted to share a few resources to help should you need them: 

Suicide and Crisis Hotline: Dial 988 immediately  
Network 180 Behavioral Health Crisis Center: 616-336-3909
Through Rough Waters podcast: WCSG’s Zach Allen in partnership with therapists from West Michigan Wellness Group explore various topics around mental health using their clinical expertise through a biblical worldview.

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