Our Peace Today...as Always

Posted by: Tom Neering from Middays | Monday, December 2nd, 2024 (12:00am)
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. — Isaiah 9:6 Peace can be a difficult thing to come by, especially when we feel like our very home is in turmoil and coming under attack. That was the climate of God’s people when this verse was written. Assyria was moving against Israel, and Israel was pressing hard against the southern region of Judah to form a coalition and fight back against Israel’s oppressor. Out of fear, though, Judah refused, and Isaiah’s words were spoken not as a condemnation of Judah’s inability to muster up the bravery but as a promise of better times to come. It’s funny how God works. You would expect Him to instruct his prophet Isaiah to come down hard against the nation of Judah for not standing with Israel in what would eventually force God’s people to be exiled, but instead God gives hope. You would expect a word of rebuke against a portion of God’s people who turned their back on defending the land God had given them, but instead the Lord shows his mercy in the promise of a better tomorrow. We don’t deserve the grace God has given either. Like Judah we often fall short and sometimes chicken out. Like Judah, we sometimes turn our backs on our brother or sister in their hour of need. But like Judah, God has given us this word of hope as well. At a time when He could have turned his back on us, He instead offers a promise of hope and salvation in His son Jesus Christ. He has come to counsel us, to be our mighty protector, to be our Father forever, and to give us His peace...even if we don’t fully deserve it. So whether you are more like Israel today, searching for peace and help in a time of turmoil and trouble; or more like Judah, turning your back on those who might need your help – whether out of fear or selfishness – the offer still stands. The times haven’t changed much. Nations still fight. People still fall short. God’s offer still stands too. Just like in the days of Isaiah, His words ring true. Unto us a child is born. He brings peace today, as He always has...in our Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Want to read more posts like this? Subscribe to the Good News blog to receive a weekly dose of encouragement from our team.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
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