The Right Time is Now
Posted by: Jenny Baker, Content Writer & Communications Coordinator | Monday, November 11th, 2024 (12:00am)
But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness. — James 3:17 Since coming to Christ I have felt a tug on my heart to somehow reach others who, like me not so long ago, are looking to all the wrong places for fulfillment and joy. Jesus has transformed not just my mind but my heart, and I want nothing more than to tell whoever might listen that I’ve found the missing piece that we all seem to be searching for. But then I find myself wrestling with the question: Who? When? How? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prayed, “God, please use me however you need me!” I’m not entirely sure what I want His answer to look like, but I think a random person at the grocery store walking up unsolicited and saying, “So tell me about Jesus and how he changed your life” would be a nice start (that happens, right?). As I sit and find myself waiting for God to make the “right time” clear to me, I can’t help but hear Him whispering in my ear saying, “I already have.” And you know what? I’ve suddenly come to realize there’s been an opportunity right in front of me all along! I’ve missed His answer because I’ve been seeing people on the surface and not considering the possibilities that await underneath. See, over the last year we’ve seen a lot of hurt, anger, and division being expressed. While I would like to say I’m above it all, sometimes when people’s ideas conflict with my faith I want to immediately come to God’s defense. But God doesn’t need me to defend Him. He needs me to love Him. To serve Him. To be one of the people who manifests His Kingdom on earth right here, right now. And how I can do that is to love and serve His people. All people. To see every person I encounter as a precious image bearer of God. I need to see their hurt, their fear, their confusion, their hopelessness, and know that they are searching for something. Something that will give them hope. Something that will fill them with love. Something that will take the pain away and bring their hearts’ peace. I know this, because I was desperately searching for something once too. But it turns out it wasn’t something. It was someone. And his name is Jesus. But where do I start? Easy. By embodying the love of Christ at every opportunity. Building relationships with people of all walks of life. Listening to their points of view. Understanding their experiences. Being patient about where they are rather than where I wish them to be. And praying that the Holy Spirit guides me every step of the way. So what am I waiting for? There is a mission field right out my doorstep! Each day is another opportunity to share the love of Christ with someone new. Whether it’s just a smile as I walk by or an entire conversation over coffee, I want to make sure every encounter is a chance for someone to feel the love of God radiating from me. Yes, I want them to know my testimony, but even more I want them to experience it. To see it in everything I do. Because you never know, one day they might just say, “So tell me about Jesus and how he changed your life.” What an incredible day that will be. For both of us. Want to read more posts like this? Subscribe to the Good News blog to receive a weekly dose of encouragement from our team.
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace.
EPHESIANS 2:13-14 | NIVGrand Rapids / Lakeshore
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