4/11/24 -Travelin' Together – Michigan Mushroom Festivals

image / facebook: National Morel Mushroom Festival

Posted by: Becky Carlson | Thursday, April 11th, 2024 ( 6:00am)

Morel mushrooms are very popular mushrooms that grow throughout the state of Michigan. 

They grow in warm, wet environments and can be found in every natural area of the state during the Spring.

Morels come in shades of gray, black, and yellow and are most distinguished by their long caps which look like honeycombs. They usually stand between 1 inch and 4 inches tall.

When you find them, make sure you pinch off the stem at the ground level so the roots will remain intact for regrowth.  


The Michigan Department of Natural Resources wants to help you find morels. Plus, organizations like the Michigan Mushroom Hunters Club are willing to share their knowledge with beginners.


Morel Mushroom Hunting Tips & Tricks

  • Don’t trespass. There’s plenty of public land that you can search on, so avoid private property.
  • Dress appropriately. If you’re walking in the woods, boots are a must-have.
  • Carry a compass or GPS. It can be helpful in unfamiliar areas.
  • Know what to look for. False morels do exist, so get a wild mushroom identification book before you go hunting.
  • Pick morels correctly. Be sure to cut or pinch the stem at ground level.
  • Watch out for ticks. You’re looking for morels, but you don’t want to take home uninvited guests.

Mesick Mushroom Festival

May 10-12, 2024

Mesick is known as one of the mushroom capitals of the world, and at the annual Mesick Mushroom Festival, there’s something for everyone. You’ll find carnival rides, crafts, a flea market, and several contests for mushroom hunters.

More information at: www.mesick-mushroomfest.org


Boyne City's National Morel Mushroom Festival

May 16-19, 2024

During the Boyne City morel festival, hunters take to the woods in hopes of winning the top prize, which is awarded to the hunter who finds the most mushrooms. Also, you can find out everything and anything you want to know about this delectable mushroom.

At the Boyne City morel festival, you can find tasty treats from local restaurants and recipes to try at home too. 

More information at: www.bcmorelfestival.com


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