9/19/24 - WCSG's Travelin' Together - Overhiser Farms South Haven

Generations of the Overhiser family have been working to provide a family friendly environment on their South Haven Farm. Image courtesy of Overhiser Orchards. 9/19/24.

Posted by: Joel Hill | Thursday, September 19th, 2024 ( 6:00am)

With over 150 years of operation, the A.W. Overhiser Orchards in South Haven has plenty of activities for your entire family.

Our WCSG’s Travelin‘ Together visits the farm for this weekend's activities that include wagon rides through the orchards, and a critter barn. There you can get up close to Alpacas, Norwegian dwarf goats and various breeds of rabbits. Be sure to get family photos inside the Sunflower Trails. Open since mid-August, the trails are available every day for pictures, tours, and pick-your-own sunflowers!

Some of the fruit crops may be gone but apples are in abundant supply including Honeycrisp. Many of those crops that are off the trees are still available at the farm.

For more information, visit their website Overhiser Orchards.



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