21 Days of Prayer
Prayer is how we share our hearts, hurts, and hopes with God, but the needs of work and family can place our time and attention elsewhere. Yet it is in these spaces that we often need God most, so we’re teaming with you to make prayer a priority for all of us.
Starting on Monday, January 13 we begin WCSG’s 21 Days of Prayer: a chance for us all to become more intentional about setting aside time to deepen our relationship with Jesus. By providing guidance about what to pray for each day, sharing support through our new online Prayer Wall, and celebrating our success together, we hope to make quiet time with God a welcome addition to our daily rhythms that will continue for years to come.
How it works:
- Sign up for WCSG’s 21 Days of Prayer
- Create an account to gain access to our new online Prayer Wall
- For three Sundays starting on January 12 you will receive an email
with a digital prayer guide that includes:
• Prayer prompts that help you know what to pray for each day that week
• Journal pages for print if you’d like to write your responses to the prayer prompts
• Action steps to help reinforce your prayers for that day
- When the 21 days have been completed, we will celebrate your success together!
Ready to make prayer a new habit for the New Year?
It is better to say nothing than to make a promise and not keep it.
ECCLESIASTES 5:5 | NLTGrand Rapids / Lakeshore
Battle Creek
Benton Harbor