Pine Ridge Bible Camp

8415 17 Mile Rd Ne
Cedar Spings, MI

More Information (91.3 WCSG is not responsible for external websites)

Phone Number: (616) 696-8675

Upcoming events at Pine Ridge Bible Camp

On Air Now Afternoons with Steve & Kathy
You Are Loved Stars Go Dim 6:35pm
He Sees You Terrian 6:33pm
Encouraging Words From Your Bible

Men and women who have lived wisely and well will shine brilliantly, like the cloudless, star-strewn night skies. And those who put others on the right path to life will glow like stars forever.

Family-Friendly Commercial-Free
91.3 WCSG
Grand Rapids / Lakeshore
88.3 WCXK
90.9 WCFG
Battle Creek
89.9 WCXB
Benton Harbor