WCSG News is taking a look at all of the proposals on the November 8th ballot. Today we examine Proposal 2.
Proposal 2 largely centers on several voting issues in Michigan. While it does not change any current language in the state constitution, it would add several new provisions.
First, the proposal would add the statement that voting is a fundamental right. It also states that voters should be free to vote without intimidation or harassment. It would create early voting sites open nine days before election day. The House Fiscal Agency text says these sites would need to meet the needs of communities based on population. It would require absentee ballots by military members be counted as long as they are postmarked by election day. It would allow for six days from the election date to have those ballots returned to clerks in order to be counted.
The proposal would also create a one-time form to request an absentee ballot for all elections. This applies to qualified and registered Michigan voters. The ballot can be rescinded for several reasons, including that the registered voter does not participate in voting for six consecutive years.
It would establish the use of a photo ID or a signed affidavit as adequate voter identification. "The proposal would prohibit election officials from requiring a voter to cast a provisional ballot if the voter executes an affidavit instead of providing a photo ID."
Allow donations to fund elections, which must be disclosed. It would also prohibit donations made by foreign entities, including individuals and governments. The burden of determining whether to accept those donations would rest with the county, city, or township.
The Proposal would require canvass boards certify election results based only on the official records of votes cast. The text says "It would require the SOS to conduct these audits and would prohibit political party members, officers, and precinct delegates from having any role in the direction, supervision, or conduction of an election audit." Any funding of the audit would have to be publicly disclosed.
For the official language of the ballot proposal as well as the Michigan House summary of the Proposal click Michigan House Fiscal Agency Summary.