A tradition that takes time is well worth the wait at the Jones Maple Syrup Festival over the next two weekends.
As spring is fast approaching, so too does one of Michigan’s favorite activities: harvesting maple syrup.
The Jones Maple Syrup Festival runs this weekend and next with plenty of activities surrounding the sticky syrup. Tours of the sugar house will offer you a glimpse into the effort made turning sap into syrup. You can also watch a local family make maple syrup the old-fashioned way. In addition to the maple syrup. A pancake eating contest starts on Saturday with multiple categories of participants as well as prizes for first and second place. Horse drawn wagon rides will also be available for a donation.
And on the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd, civil war re-enactors will demonstrate life during the civil war, complete with a cannon demonstration. For more information including a complete schedule, visit their website at Maple.