Grand Rapids Water customers East of US 131 and North of Hall Street should NOT drink the tap water without boiling it first.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – (Press Release) - The Grand Rapids Water Department is responding to a large water main break on the Northeast side of Grand Rapids that is impacting multiple water pumping pressure districts.
As a precaution, Grand Rapids Water customers East of US 131 and North of Hall Street should boil their water as crews work to make repairs due to the loss in pressure for a large area and pressure districts impacted. Communities impacted include the City of Grand Rapids and Grand Rapids Township only.
Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice.
Contact 311 Customer Service at (616) 456-3000 or 3-1-1 if you have questions or need to report a water/sewer emergency.
For residents who live outside of this quadrant, water is safe for use as normal.