5/4/23 - National Day Of Prayer

Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 7:52 AM

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Many communities will join together to pray for our country, church, communities, families, and more.

(Positive Prep) - Today (Thursday) marks the annual observance of the National Day of Prayer, which calls upon individuals to pray for the nation. President Harry S. Truman signed the joint resolution of the United States Congress in 1952, establishing this tradition.

The purpose of this day is to encourage all of us to come before God with humility, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace for our people.  Throughout the country, local, state, and federal observances unite Americans from diverse backgrounds in prayer for our nation.

Approximately 40,000 volunteers organize over 30,000 observances, which are attended by more than two million people.

The theme for this year is "Pray Fervently in Righteousness and Avail Much." 

Your family is invited to participate in the virtual National Day of Prayer service tonight at 8:00 pm ET on the National Day of Prayer Facebook page.


To observe the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 4, the public is welcome to spend some time in worship at a Prayer Path located at Cornerstone Church's 84th St. Campus.  (1675 84th St, SE, Caledonia.)   The self-guided path is under a mile in length and circles though nature in back of our worship center. There is plenty of seating at various spots, and much of the path consists of mowed grass. It might not be conducive to strollers, walkers or people with walking and balance concerns.


Here are the National Day of Prayer prompts to pray for the church.

WHAT to pray

  • God, use Your Church as a beacon of light and joy to a world that is searching for answers
  • Jesus, give your pastors keen wisdom and insight that is in tune with your Spirit so they would never lose sight of the mission of Your Church
  • Lord, open hearts in the church to care for people outside the church, to be praying for them and to become visibly and tangibly concerned and helping them in needs and struggles
  • Bring a focus for exalting You above all else, to pastors, church staff, volunteers and lay leaders
  • Stir the Holy Spirit among the body to actively participate in discipling one another in Scripture
  • Father, burden the Church with urgency to share the Gospel with passion and the power of the Spirit
  • Remind us to eagerly look for ways to use our time, talents, and treasures to build up the Body of Christ



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