A shortage of supplies continues both in the country and around the world.
It’s been tough to get a hold of certain supplies as both national and international supply chains have suffered during the pandemic. Shortages have also led to an increase in anxiety levels for many Americans. White House Spokesperson Jen Saki says it has not escaped the president’s vision.
"He views his responsibilities to continue to forge ahead everyday, and to work to address the challenges the American people are facing."
Poll numbers show more Americans are upset with the President over his handling of the nation's economy, and give his job performance a less than stellar rating. Just over half of all Americans feel the President is doing enough to turn the situation around. At the same time, his job approval numbers continue to slip.
The President is expected to address some of these issues during a meeting at the White House on Wednesday.
Other issues in the supply chain include both national and international manufacturing, lumber, and computer chip shortages.