10/27/21 - Be Smart, Be Safe, Be Seen on Halloween

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 6:34 AM

Bekir Donmez - photo

AAA is sending out its annual statewide Trick or Treat Street Safety Alert for children and adults.

DEARBORN, Mich., (October 27, 2021) — Halloween can be one of the most dangerous nights of the year for both pedestrians and motorists. With the increased number of pedestrians trick-or-treating, the risk of cell phone distraction while driving or walking and potentially impaired party goers behind the wheel, it makes for a frightening combination.

 A 2021 study of Halloween traffic fatalities found that:

  • 18% of those killed in fatal crashes on Halloween are children
  • Pedestrians have a 50% higher chance of being fatally injured on Halloween than on the average day


Several factors contribute to the increased risk of pedestrian injuries:

  • Fewer daylight hours
  • Distracted driving
  • Increased number of pedestrians
  • Trick-or-treaters crisscrossing streets
  • Motorists traveling to and from Halloween events


“Halloween night is unlike any other evening because of the number of pedestrians on the road at the same time,” said Adrienne Woodland, spokesperson, AAA-The Auto Club Group. “And while Halloween may be slightly different this year, there’s still an increased risk of being injured or involved in a crash, and that’s before distractions and alcohol are added to the mix. We urge people who are out on Halloween to be alert, avoid distractions and always drive sober.”


AAA’s statewide efforts are focused on an amped up awareness of traffic safety during Halloween. Excited trick-or-treaters often forget about safety. AAA encourages motorists and parents to be vigilant and even more alert during this time and heed these Be Smart - Be Safe - Be Seen on Halloween safety tips.



  • Drive slower through neighborhoods.  Driving five miles per hour slower than the posted speed limit will give you extra time to react to children who dart out in front of you.
  • Avoid distractions while driving, such as checking social media, sending a text message and talking on the phone.
  • Drive sober.  Over 40 percent of fatal crashes on Halloween night involve a drunk driver.  Always designate a sober driver if you plan to drink any alcohol.  Visit www.PreventDUI.AAA.com  to learn more.


Parents and Other Adults Caring for Children

  • If using social media, post pictures and updates before or after you go trick-or-treating.  Avoid checking your phone while walking or supervising children.
  • Walk with your children as they go door to door.  Be sure to show them safe places to cross the street.
  • Have children carry a glow stick or flashlight to help them see and be seen by drivers.



  • Cross the street using traffic signals and crosswalks.  Look both ways before crossing and keep an eye on the road while you are crossing.
  • Always walk facing traffic if there are no sidewalks available and stay as far to the left as possible.
  • Wear light-colored clothing or costumes with reflective material or tape for the best visibility.
  • Stay in familiar neighborhoods.  Only visit homes that have the porch light on and never go into a stranger’s house.


Viewing Halloween Displays from Your Car

  • Buckle up. Everyone in the vehicle should remain seated and buckled at all times, even when parked on the side of the road.
  • Appoint a navigator. If you need to check a map, take pictures, or do anything that will take your attention off the road, pull over or delegate those tasks to a passenger.
  • Do not stop in traffic. Do not come to a complete stop in a traffic lane. If you encounter someone who has stopped, only pass if it is safe and legal to do so.
  • Slow down and be alert. Even going just a few miles over the speed limit in a residential neighborhood greatly increases the dangers for cyclists and pedestrians sharing the road.
  • Follow the law. Be sure your teen driver is observing GDL restrictions on nighttime driving hours and then number of passengers.
  • Be prepared.  Bring appropriate seasonal clothing in the event of a roadside emergency.




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