The grant is triple the size of the normal grant the city receives.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – The Grand Rapids City Commission yesterday accepted a $4.63 million grant for homelessness assistance and supportive services. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME Investment Partnerships – American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds are directed for helping the un-housed, those at risk of being un-housed and other vulnerable populations.
Funded activities must benefit qualifying individuals and families and may include projects such as:
development and support of affordable housing
tenant-based rental assistance
supportive services
acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units
Connie Bohatch, managing director of Community Services, said that before the funding can be obtained, the City must first develop a HOME-ARP allocation plan in consultation with agencies whose clientele includes HOME-ARP qualifying populations. This will include the Grand Rapids Area Coalition to End Homelessness, which serves as the local Continuum of Care; homeless and domestic violence service providers, and other agencies that serve the eligible population. The City intends to have a draft plan completed in December. In January, it will invite the public to review the draft and provide feedback at a public hearing and provide written comments during a 15-day period. Once finalized, the allocation plan will be submitted to HUD as a substantial amendment to the City’s Housing and Community Development Action Plan.
“We are grateful for this funding that will ultimately benefit our un-housed residents and vulnerable populations,” Bohatch said. “It is important that we work with our partners to determine the best and most effective use of these HOME-ARP dollars. The plan will serve as the framework for inviting project applications and making strategic investments to best serve our community.”
HOME-ARP supplemental funding is allocated by formula under the HOME entitlement program. The City’s HOME-ARP award is approximately three times the size of the City’s annual grant award. The City’s Federal Fiscal Year 2021 HOME allocation is $1,277,660.