Money from the Low-income Household Water Assistance Program will help pay outstanding water bills.
LANSING,MICH. - The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services announced that more than $150,000 in past due water bills of city of Benton Harbor residents have been paid for through the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program. Additional resources are still available to assist families in paying their utility bills.
The grant will bring the accounts of 237 eligible families current through the program. Residents should see updates on their water bills this month.
Elizabeth Hurtel, MDHHS Director says, "They don't want to force residents to choose between paying for water services and other necessities."
The federally funded program assists households who have had their water disconnected or are facing disconnection by paying the full costs that will reconnect or prevent disconnection of service even if it includes costs other than water, such as trash, cable or internet.