Grand Rapids Public Schools decide to extend mask mandates.
Grand Rapids Public Schools sent out an update to parents and students Monday.
GRPS COVID-19 Data: We continue to update our COVID-19 Metrics Dashboard on a weekly basis at Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources (grps.org). The latest data is as follows:
- County Positivity Rate: 23.1% Highest Risk Level. The goal is to be at the Low Risk Level with the positivity rate at or below 5%.
- County Incidence Per 100,000: 441.91 Cases/100,000 Highest Risk Level. The goal is 9 cases/100,000.
- Vaccination Rate: 60.3% fully vaccinated countywide. The goal is 70% fully vaccinated.
GRPS PK-12 Mask Mandate Extended: Based on the latest data, science, and guidance from the Kent County Health Department, we are extending the GRPS PK-12 mask mandate for all students, staff, and visitors until the end of the school year. We will continue to monitor the data. If the data and risk levels shift to “low risk”, we will reconsider the decision at that time.Parents may schedule a vaccine for their child by visiting www.vaccinatewestmi.com[http://], contacting your healthcare provider, or visiting a participating pharmacy. Keep Students Home If Symptomatic: Another reminder that you are required to keep your student home if your student is showing one or more of the following symptoms regardless of vaccination status: fever, new cough or change in cough, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, body aches, diarrhea/vomiting/nausea, severe headache, extreme tiredness, or congestion/runny nose. For more information, please review the GRPS COVID-19 Parent Handbook at Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources (grps.org).
Vaccines Available for Students Age 5 and Older: As a reminder, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have granted Emergency Use Authorization to the COVID-19 vaccine for children age 5 and older. Evidence has demonstrated that communities with higher vaccination rates have lower transmission rates of COVID-19.