2/12/24 - Disability Resource Symposium Coming To Grand Rapids, Feb. 24,2024

Monday, February 12, 2024 at 10:01 AM


A free event for parents and guardians of someone with disabilities will provide information and resources.

(GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.) - Disability Resource Symposium is a free event for parents and guardians of an individual with disabilities. 

The Symposium will include presentations on relevant topics and include representatives from local organizations to receive information and get questions answered.

The event will be held Saturday, February, 24, 2024, from 10 am - 4 pm at City Hope GR, 1020 Monroes Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI.

Organizers are asking the public to register no later than Saturday, Feb. 17, one week prior to the event. 

Service providers, advisors, lawyers, consultants, and local ministries will cover various issues and be available to talk with caregivers. 

The public can find information and resources to assist with the financial, legal, housing, transportation, and social security issues they face as caregivers. 

For more information and to register for this event:

· Click on the following link: 

· Visit us on Facebook:

o  https://www.facebook.com/DisabilityResourceSymposium

o   https://www.facebook.com/events/1107002066967771


2024 Disability Resource Symposium Schedule

10:00 AM Doors & Exhibitor Tables

10:30 AM Introduction/Welcome

10:40 AM Presentation 1: Legal and Financial Planning

11:30 AM Break & Exhibitor Tables

11:40 AM Presentation 2: Social Security Benefits

12:30 PM Lunch & Exhibitor Tables

  1:30 PM Presentation 3: Transportation

  2:20 PM Break & Exhibitor Tables

  2:30 PM Presentation 4: Housing Panel

  3:30 PM Closing Remarks & Survey

  3:45 PM Exhibitor Tables

  4:00 PM Doors Close

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