The Governor's proposal includes bonuses for educators, administrators, and staff.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer is proposing spending millions of dollars to keep education staff in Michigan.
Under the Governor's 6.3 billion dollar budget plan, the state is offering 2000 dollar bonus for every school employee this fall.
“That’s teachers, and aides, and para-pros, and custodians and administration. Bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and all the other people you can think of that I forgot to name. This is about everyone who shows up for our kids.”
And if they come back in 2023, its another two thousand dollar bonus.
Whitmer is also asking for additional bonuses for teachers and certified staff, that stick with their district through 2025. If they remain with the district through that time, they could conceivably earn 11-thousand-dolalrs in bonuses.
The plans also include stipends for student teachers, and additional dollars to help districts hire and train 10-thousand more teachers.
The Governor says it’s an effort to recruit and retain “top-notch educators.”
Mental health care is also affected. The Governor would like to see districts hire more mental health professionals to staff 40 school based health clinics around the state.
In addition, the plan would cut the state's retirement tax on seniors. It would also expand the Earned Income Tax Credit, saving an estimated 750 dollars annually for a family of four.
The Governor is also proposing lowering the costs of an electric vehicle, adding to the tax credit already given by the federal government.