7/5/22 - New Survey Uncovers A Profound Misunderstanding of Independence Day

Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 8:17 AM

Generation Z young people misunderstood American's fight for independence as one against Native Americans and not Great Britain. Image courtesy of Unsplash. 7/5/22.

Almost 2 in 3 Generation Z young people have a hard time recognizing some facts behind the holiday.

Quick – who did the colonists declare their independence from?  A new survey finds that 2 in 3 Gen Zer’s don’t know the reason for celebrating July 4th.

A survey published by studyfinds.com, reveals that 64% of Generation ‘Z’ young people have a hard time recognizing American independence from Great Britain as the reason for the July 4th holiday.

In fact, almost a third of those respondents believed American celebrates its independence from ‘Native Americans.’  Other answers include “Europe”, and “Spain.”

In total, just 57% of respondents identified ‘Great Britain’ as the country America pressed for their freedom.


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