Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity announced Wednesday that they have raised $1.65 Million as part of its $3.9 million Strengthening Families, Building Community campaign.
A fundraising effort has been underway to build an affordable housing neighborhood at 285 West 36th Street called Vista Green. Initiated in January, and chaired by community leaders, Bill Badran and Rachael Hutchinson, the Strengthening Families, Building Community campaign was launched to ensure that more affordable homes are available for homeownership in the City of Holland which is currently experiencing a lack of housing for lower income homeowners.
“This has been an absolutely amazing experience for Lakeshore Habitat, our leadership, and for our donors, friends, and families.” said Don Wilkinson, Executive Director of Habitat. “We started earlier this year with a dream and a goal, and here we are, nine months later and we’ve raised 70% of our $2.4 million charitable goal. The generosity of this community is incredibly humbling.”
“Our final step is to reach out to those who haven’t yet participated and to ask them to consider joining us in this important endeavor to build this neighborhood. You can see the trend in our community. More and more people are concerned that Holland’s housing market is outpricing some family’s ability to afford a home and Habitat is helping to lead the charge in changing that.” said Bill Badran.
“We have the privilege of having a very well-respected Habitat here in our community. It is our responsibility to ensure that it continues to impact our local neighborhoods in a positive and permanent way.” said Rachael Hutchinson, campaign co-chair and a Habitat homeowner.
The Strengthening Families, Building Community campaign has two important objectives: to fund the building of 18 Habitat homes at Vista Green, and to help alleviate the lack of affordable homes in the city of Holland and in the County. To date, the fundraising effort has garnered the support of 115 community donors. “Raising over $1.65 million in a pandemic and with a recovering economy is something that the entire community should be proud of.” said Badran.
“We now hope that the greater community will embrace this campaign to help us raise the additional funds needed to complete this effort. And to increase the impact, we have an anonymous donor who has offered a $150,000 match for gifts towards the campaign starting today through the end of the year. Donors can support this campaign by visiting www.building-community.org or by stopping by Lakeshore Habitat to donate,” said Hutchinson.