The city of Battle Creek will celebrate the National Cereal Fest and most of the activities are set for Saturday, June 8, 2024.
The National Cereal Festival WILL return June 8, 2024!
This signature festival highlights Battle Creek’s heritage as the birthplace of the cereal industry and is a tradition that has drawn people far and wide for over 50 years.
This family-friendly festival includes a variety of entertainment, including live music, animal shows, along with inflatables, yard games, children’s activities, arts and crafts, and FREE cereal for all!
The event will be outdoors, navigating the central square streets of Downtown Battle Creek, June 8, 2024, 8am-12pm.
There will also be a Cereal Hunt, where you can snap pictures of your favorite cereal mascots and upload them to Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #CerealSearch2024 for a chance to win a sweet giveaway.
The Grand Cereal Parade will be held Friday, June 7, 2024, starting at 6:30pm. Join us for the kick-off of National Cereal Festival 2024! Parade route will be located downtown Battle Creek on VanBuren from the Kool Center to McCamly and then right on McCamly, right on Michigan, right back to the Kool Center.
For more information, you can visit the official festival page or check out the event details on the Battle Creek Visitors Bureau website.