7/21/21 - Wildfire Burns Forest at Pictured Rocks State Park

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 7:46 AM

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Firefighters and Rangers put out fire at Pictured Rocks State Park.

A U.S. Coast Guard ship reported at fire at Pictured Rocks in the Upper Peninsula on Tuesday.

They spotted the fire around 3 p.m. near Twelve Mile Beach campground.

The DNR, firefighters from Burt Township and park rangers worked to put out the fire.

It burned about 6 acres of forest around the state park before being extinguished.

Authorities are continuing to investigate how the fire started.

Smoke from wildfires ranging in the western U.S. and Canada have been clouding skies across the country.

In the western part of the U.S. residents and wildlife have been dealing with months of drought and extreme heat and thick smoke chokes areas near where fires continue to burn.  There are 16 large uncontained fires burning in Oregon and Washington state this week.


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