Epidsode 10 - Reaching Out from Within with Ryan and Vicky
WCSG's Beyond The Pulpit
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - 25 minutes
In this episode we catch up with Pastor Ryan Kimmel and Vicky Damico from Peace Church in Middleville, MI. Ryan and Vicky share their church's story about how they were led to look out for families with special needs children; and in doing so, gave moms and dads a much needed break...and grew their church in a meaningful way.
This podcast and its content are designed and intended to provide a place for conversation. Topics and advice covered in this podcast should not be taken as professional medical advice or emotional or spiritual counsel. If you or a loved one needs professional help, they should seek a licensed professional.
The views covered and discussed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect those of WCSG Radio or Cornerstone University. Ideas presented are not necessarily endorsed by WCSG Radio or Cornerstone University.
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Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
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