Episode 213: The Value of Singleness with Dani Treweek
Hole In My Heart Podcast
Friday, January 12, 2024 - 49 minutes
We are going to talk about singleness until we as the Church get this right, friends.
People talk about how marriage gives us a vision of eternity in how two different people seeking union shows the world a picture of how God (who is so different from us) will be one with His church. But, how does singleness show us a picture of what we will experience in the new heavens and new earth?
Author and ministry leader, Dani Treweek, is here to tell us how.
// Highlights:
- “I have become absolutely convinced that singleness is not just the absence of something good, but it is the presence of something good.” —Dani Treweek
- “The industrial revolution…took the household and made it the privatized refuge from the dirty dark world of work outside. That meant that the relationships in the household became much more based on emotion and intimate ties, and the household became much more insular…. That had an impact on singleness because suddenly, singleness became the absence of those things. Singleness didn’t have a place in the household, but adjacent to it.” —Dani Treweek
- “We see in Scripture like 1 Corinthians 7 Paul saying, ‘Singleness is good. Marriage is good. Get on and live for Jesus, guys.’ Throughout all of church history we have struggled to hold that equilibrium.” —Dani Treweek
- “Marriage and singleness are not in competition with each other. They complement each other. They need each other to make sense of each other in the church, and to make sense of who we are as the church.” —Dani Treweek
- “We are going to be our most perfectly human selves in the next age—perfectly known and knowing perfectly, perfectly loved and loving perfectly—and we are going to do that as men and women with bodies but who are not married to each other and who are not having sex with each other. That actually says that we don’t need to be married and sexually active in our lives here and now in this creation in order to be fully human.” —Dani Treweek
// Do the Next Thing:
- Find Dani’s work (and book!) here
- You can follower her Substack here
- You can find her ministry is here
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- Watch the episode here
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