Episode 218: How Not to Be Discouraged in a Discouraging Year with Derwin Gray

Hole In My Heart Podcast

Friday, March 22, 2024 - 39 minutes

“Hope in the gospel and discouragement are not mutually exclusive,” Pastor Derwin Gray encouraged us on today’s episode. 

But, how is that possible? The world can feel so defeating:

Politics, racial division, pastor scandals, congregant sin, and the drudgery of faithfully trying to do this thing called advancing the Kingdom of God wherever we are called can overwhelm anyone. How can we both experience grief, discouragement, or mourning, and allow it to propel us further into the heart of God?

Author and pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in America, Derwin Gray, preaches exactly the answer and exactly what weary souls needed to hear today.


// Highlights:


  • “When I find my heart becoming cynical I know that I have stepped out of grace and into self righteousness.” —Derwin Gray
  • “I’m finding encouragement because that tomb in Jerusalem is still empty.” —Derwin Gray
  • “We need more local pastors not teaching moralism, sin management, left-leaning secular ideologies or Pharisaical rightism. We need them to preach the gospel-centered, beautiful, bloody resurrection power of Jesus.” —Derwin Gray


// QOTW:


What is your favorite sign of spring?


// Do the Next Thing:


  • Watch the video here!
  • Find all of Derwin’s work here
  • Join the HIMH Podcast here
  • Keep up with Laurie and the HIMH Podcast on IG here

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