Episode 226: Are You Weak? Good! | Eric Schumacher

Hole In My Heart Podcast

Friday, September 27, 2024 - 43 minutes

Many of us grew up in the church hearing that weakness was a good thing: In our weakness, God is strong through us.

If that’s true, why does weakness feel so terrible?

Today, we talk with author, podcaster, and pastor, Eric Schumacher about “the good gift of weakness,” why many of us don’t like it, and why it is the best place to thrive as a human being.

We also discuss:

  • —How did Eric’s “failing at ministry” help him to recover his life?
  • —Is weakness found in creation and in the new heavens and new earth, not just in the sinful world?
  • —What if we are tired of being weak?

| Highlights | 

“Is there a place in the Kingdom for someone as weak as me?”

“This is the good news for the Christian: Jesus became weaker than we will ever be because He was dead under God’s curse, and we will never be that weak because He was.”

“Paul knew Jesus was the kind of man who would invite his disciples to see him trembling and sorrowful to the point of death in the garden of Gethsemane. Part of imitating that Savior is putting your own weakness on display for all to see.”

| Next Step Resources | 

Eric’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Gift-Weakness-Strength-Redemption/dp/0736988661

Eric’s site: https://emschumacher.com/about-eric/

Eric’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/emschumacher

Connect to O’Neill Asset Management: https://www.oneillassetmanagement.com

Join the HIMH Pod FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/himhpodcast

Follow Laurie on IG (where she is the most active):https://www.instagram.com/laurie_krieg/

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