Episode 12 - Families & Substance Abuse
Through Rough Waters with Zach Allen
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 47 minutes
In this episode, Zach & Kevin are joined by Marge Lucas from West Michigan Wellness Group. Marge is a social worker and a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor with decades of experience working with families in the area of addictions. We talk about how an addiction doesn’t impact only the addict themselves, but the entire family - as well as answer a question about what a parent should do if they suspect substance abuse in one of their children.
FAN (Families Against Narcotics)
Teen Challenge
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
If you have a question for our Q&A segment, you can email throughroughwaters@wcsg.org or submit your question anonymously at www.wcsg.org/podcasts/through-rough-waters/.
Thanks to West Michigan Wellness Group for supporting Through Rough Waters - for more information about WMWG and to inquire about seeing a therapist, you can call (616) 600-1187 or visit www.westmichiganwellnessgroup.com/contact/.
This podcast and its content are designed and intended to provide a place for conversation. Topics and advice covered in this podcast should not be taken as professional medical advice or emotional or spiritual counsel. If you or a loved one needs professional help, they should seek a licensed professional.
The views covered and discussed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect those of WCSG Radio or Cornerstone University. Ideas presented are not necessarily endorsed by WCSG Radio or Cornerstone University.
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