Ep. 099 - The Christmas Episode
WCSG Backstage
Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 29 minutes
Welcome! It's time for another episode of WCSG Backstage! This episode Jeremy, Amanda, Anja, & Zach share their Christmas in 3 words, reflect on childhood Christmases, discover which Peanuts character they are, and give back! Merry Christmas! It's time to head backstage!
Peanuts Characters Results:
- Jeremy - Pig Pen
- Amanda - Schroeder
- Anja - Woodstock
- Zach - Linus
If you would like to figure out which Peanuts character you are, check out the "scientific" test HERE!
The Organizations we Give Back to:
- Jeremy - Kid's Food Basket & Brody's Be Cafe
- Amanda - Keys for Kids Ministries & Compassion International
- Anja - Artists Creating Together (ACT) & House of Hope
- Zach - Sozo International & Musana
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Encouraging Words From Your Bible
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
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